Quarantine Chronicles: Encouraging & Discouraging Moments

Good morning everyone! Yesterday was the 5th full day of quarantine, and the 3rd full day of me missing work. Boy, let me tell you it was an emotional roller coaster, that’s for sure. Lots and lots of things going on, and I am kind of over it. 

Discouraging Moments

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Yesterday morning I found out that my boss is extremely upset that I am quarantined. As in he is saying that I should just come in to work anyway. This is very discouraging, and it is going to make it very awkward when I do get to go back. Honestly, this makes me want to look for a new job. It is so very frustrating that my employer doesn’t want to honor the North Dakota Department of Health’s wishes. Because of this, I feel like I’m being led to believe that I’m a bad employee or something. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. With the exception of being quarantined I show up every day, I do my job, and I do my job well. Which is a lot more than I can say for some of the other employees. I can feel them talking about me, and judging from afar – office gossip.

I also feel like I’m being put in the position of choosing between my job and the health of our family. Not to mention, if I did have it and were to pass it along to anyone in the office or in the shop that would be catastrophic. Since we are such a small company – can you imagine if EVERYONE had to quarantine? Another huge concern of mine is if my boss actually gets it. He is an older gentleman, and his immune system is not as strong as he likes to believe. 

What am I to do here? Any suggestions? 

Encouraging Moments

Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

Aside from all of my worry, I do have to say that it is nice to not have to worry about going to work. This is the longest time I have ever gone without working while just staying at home. I have been working consistently since I was 15. So maybe after this quarantine is over, I will feel a bit refreshed? I am sure hoping so.  

One thing I did was log into my Upwork account for the first time in a while. (All of my contracts have ended) I was very pleased to see that my last contract left me a five star review. After seeing that, I felt a bit better. I started going through available freelance positions and have only applied to one so far. I want to be picky about what I apply to. They charge for “connects” now. Not just that, but I want to make sure I’m applying to something that actually interests me, and matches my skill set.  Maybe this time in quarantine will actually push me (again) to start working from home, and creating my own income.

One Year Published Anniversary

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

On another note, yesterday marked the year anniversary of my first published blog posts! In celebration of that I finally signed up as an Amazon Affiliate! Woo hoo!! Honestly I was really nervous about doing this, and I still have so much to learn. I did sign up for the long haul, though and made a commitment to learn when I first started this blog. I have some planned out posts coming up, that I am really excited to write. There will be more about the healing process I have and am going through as well as my all natural skin care products – which are physically healing. 

So ya see? A bit of up, down, and all around yesterday. Ugh. Here’s to hoping today will be a better day! I am trying to stay as positive as possible throughout all of this. Maybe I can get some of that cleaning done I was talking about?

What is everyone else up to today?

9 thoughts on “Quarantine Chronicles: Encouraging & Discouraging Moments

  1. Congratulations on becoming Amazon affiliate (I’m not sure what it means but it sounds something cool). Well done on a year too.
    My advice (for what it’s worth-I work in HR), I’d ask him for a meeting when you come back. I’d then either call him out on it or kill him with kindness. So thank him for being understanding of your need to quarantine and for being such a good employer. That you’re aware of other employers who break the law and pressurise their staff to come back and you feel so fortunate that that’s not the case. I’d then tell everyone how supportive hes been when you had the meeting. That will shut him up 😂


    1. Thank you for the congrats. Being an amazon affiliate means that if I talk about anything I use, and link it to Amazon I may earn a small commission if they purchase anything.

      And that’s an interesting approach in regards to my employer. I’m not quite sure it would work, our company only has a little less than 15 employees. So it’s gossip central – and they all know how I’m being treated because they are all ear to it. All while offering up their own opinion. 😒

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey … annoying about your employer but such a common complaint I would imagine. Are you able to carry out any work tasks from home? Could you ask him what you might be able to do to support the company whilst you are at home? There must be some stuff? That way you appease him but don’t feel pressure to go in. Good for you with your other plans. Keep going. I have a feeling things will work out xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This really stinks with your boss. People like him are part of the reason this thing won’t just settle down! My kids have been home from day care for a week (covid negative but with cold symptoms that I don’t want them to spread and put other families through this) and it’s hard, on a trillion levels, but I know it’s the right thing to do. It’s still going to feel crappy with your boss but at least you know in your heart that you’re doing what’s right?

    Maybe you could dip a toe into Life Sipping Away’s strategy and write an email to your boss doing what she said but don’t actually send it (unless you’re ready). That could help at least process what you’re feeling about all this.


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